
GPS Free-Flight Verification System

Christian Quest ( - 28-Feb-2001

Race 2000 integration

"Race2000 integration allows to simplify and speed up scoring work"


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Software versions

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To be able to import and export data between CheckIn and Race2000, you need at least the following versions for both software:

Setp 1 : Competition setup

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The first step is done in Race 2000, where you must setup your competition and enter the pilot list.

To be able to export the list of pilots, you need to create a dummy task, then you can export data using "Export task..." menu item in the "File" menu in Race2000.

Now, in CheckIn, in the competition setup screen, go to the pilot list and click on the "Import..." button and select the file you exported previously from Race2000. CheckIn will automatically recognize the file and import the pilot list.

The other parameters for the competition are not currently used by CheckIn.

It is mandatory to import the pilot list from Race2000 if you want to be able to export the results back into Race2000 because Race2000 uses an internal "pilot ID" that is different from the pilot competitor number.

You need to create your tasks in both CheckIn and Race2000.

Step 2 : Exporting task results

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You can export any task result from CheckIn to Race2000 at any moment. You don't have to wait for all the pilots to have reported and downloaded their GPS before exporting some results to Race2000. This allows you to have provisional results. CheckIn will ask you if you want to export only new results computed since last export. This allows to avoid having previous changed done directly in Race2000 to be erased in the next import.

To export results from CheckIn, go in the "Result" screen, select the task you want to export, then click on the "Exp. Race2000..." button and save the results.

In Race2000, select "Import task results..." in the "File" menu and select the file you've just exported. Race will import the results directly. You may need to fix some possible incorrect CheckIn calculations directly in Race2000. Be aware that these fixes may be overwritten if you import results again later unless you export only new results computed in CheckIn (as explained above).
